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Blackbirds – Year 1 and 2

Blackbird's Class Newsletter Autumn 2

Blackbirds Class Half Termly Newsletters

Take a look at some of our 2024 - 2025 learning so far

Take a look at some of our 2023 - 2024 learning

Early Reading Scheme:
Children in Key Stage One read phonically decodable books  aligned to our phonics programme: Read Write Inc.

Publishers used:
Collins Big Cat Phonics for Letters and Sounds (fiction and non-fiction)
Oxford Reading Tree's Floppy Phonics
Project X Phonics
Bug Club - Comics for Phonics

These phonically decodable books are available up to Orange band / Phase 5 of Letters and Sounds.  After this, the children move onto the library reading scheme colour banded books.

Viscount Beaumont's C.E. Primary School uses the Read Write Inc. Phonics approach

The Read Write Inc. Phonics approach teaches children to read sets of sounds and then blend them to read words. The books that they read at school will only contain the sounds they’ve already learned, so children learn quickly and confidently.

First your child will learn to read:

  • Set 1 Speed Sounds (sounds written with one letter): m a s d t i n p g o c k u b f e l h r j v y w z x and sounds written with two letters (your child will call these ‘special friends’): sh th ch qu ng nk ck
  • Words containing these sounds, by sound-blending, e.g. m–a–t mat, c–a–t cat, g–o–t got, f–i–sh fish, s–p–o–t spot, b–e–s–t best, s–p–l–a–sh splash


Whilst they are practising reading stories with words made up of Set 1 Speed Sounds, your child will also learn to read:

  • Set 2 Speed Sounds: ai ee igh oa oo oo ar or air ir ou oy
  • Words containing these sounds


Whilst they are practising reading stories with words made up of Set 1 and Set 2 Speed Sounds, your child will also learn to read:

  • Set 3 Speed Sounds: ea oi a–e i–e o–e u–e aw are ur er ow (as in brown)  ay ow (as in snow) er ire ear ure
  • Words containing these sounds


How can I help at home?
In the early stages of learning to read, help your child to learn the sounds represented by the letters (e.g. mmmm), rather than the letter names (e.g. em). This will help them when they start blending sounds together to read words.

There are lots of ways you can help your child learn with Read Write Inc. Phonics at home. Watch the Read Write Inc. Phonics videos to find out more.

Please contact the school if you require any more information about our school curriculum.
