Pupil Ambassadors
Viscount Beaumont’s Junior Leadership Team – elected members and their role:
Each class is represented by Viscount Beaumont’s Junior Leadership Team. Members are elected in September by their classmates. They take the views of their classmates to the meetings, sharing ideas and making suggestions for change, they also report decisions back to their class. Each year, the Junior Leadership Team members involve themselves in lots of other activities and areas of school life.
* helped to decide what after-school and lunchtime clubs should be run;
* requested and gained more seating on the playground for children at break times;
* had involvement in establishing links with a Leicester City school to help our understanding and appreciation of different backgrounds, traditions, religious education and cultures;
* planted trees to improve the school grounds;
* requested and gained cushions to make the library a more comfortable place to read;
* chosen equipment for use at playtimes;
* organised money-raising events for Children in Need; Hospice Hope, McMillan and Loros;
* decided upon themes for Christmas parties;
* had involvement in welcoming visitors and showing them around the school;
* held competitions for the school e.g. an Easter Egg, Orienteering event and World Book Day.