Wider Curriculum
Our class structure is Reception, Year 1/2, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 which means Year 1-6 work on a two year rolling programme.
- Curriculum Information 2023-2024.pdf
- Viscount Beaumont PSHCE Long Term Plan.pdf
- Viscount Beaumont Computing Long Term Plan .pdf
- Viscount Beaumont English Long Term Plan.pdf
- Viscount Beaumont Music Long Term Plan .pdf
- Viscount Beaumont Religious Education Long Term Plan .pdf
- Viscount Beaumont PE Long Term Plan 23-34.pdf
- Viscount Beaumont Art Long Term Plan .pdf
- Viscount Beaumont History Long Term Plan .pdf
- Viscount Beaumont Geography Long Term Plan.pdf
- Viscount Beaumont Science Long Term Plan.pdf
- Viscount Beaumont Reading Long Term Plan .pdf
- Viscount Beaumont's French Long Term Plan.pdf
- Whole school curriculum overview 2024-2025.pdf
For the PSHCE Progression, see the Sex and Relationships Page