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01530 412480 Arbor

All can participate; all can enjoy, all can achieve.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Meet our Team

Executive Headteacher &  Designated Safeguarding LeadMrs H Ryder-Smith
Senior Teacher & Deputy Designated Safeguarding LeadMrs L Smith
SENDCo & Deputy Designated Safeguarding LeadMrs L Compton
Office Manager Mrs E Bee
Premises Officer Mr S Noble 
Teacher (EYFS) RobinsMrs L Smith

Teacher (Year 1 and 2)


Mrs L Compton

Teacher  (Year 3 and 4)


Miss H Corbett

Teacher  (Year 5 and 6)


Mr J Dolby-Molson 
HLTAMrs S Hoult 
Learning Support AssistantMrs S Buchan
Learning Support AssistantMrs K Pestell
Learning Support AssistantMrs C Dennis 
Learning Support AssistantMiss A  Robey-Lount
Midday SupervisorMrs K Pestell
Midday SupervisorMrs C Dennis
Midday SupervisorMiss Y Litnievska
Midday SupervisorMiss S Hall

