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01530 412480 Arbor

All can participate; all can enjoy, all can achieve.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Collective Worship

Collective Worship is an important part of the school day where we take time to come together and reflect as a whole school community. We hold a daily act of Collective Worship in school which is a time where children can connect with their own inner peace and response to what is being shared and for the whole school community to appreciate the school's distinctively Christian Values in the context of wider Christian Worship. 


We believe that Collective Worship should be both meaningful and in keeping with the ethos of the school, promoting spiritual growth and development and the opportunity for quiet reflection and prayer. It plays an important part in affirming and celebrating the beliefs and values of the school community as expressed in our school aims.


Collective Worship should be a special time that is qualitatively different from the rest of the day and may involve communal celebration, reflection or the challenge to think differently. We aim to encourage the involvement of pupils in the planning and presentation of worship.



Remembrance Day 2024
