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01530 412480 Arbor

All can participate; all can enjoy, all can achieve.

Enabling children to flourish and succeed


Please let the office know if your child requires school meals. Remember – for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children, these meals are provided free of charge.

For children in Year 3 and above, the cost is £2.55 per day unless you are in receipt of free school meals. We would ask that dinners are always paid for in advance, whether this be weekly, monthly or even termly.  Payments are made via the Arbour app.

At Viscount Beaumont's, you choose whether your child eats packed lunch, hot school dinner or a mixture of both throughout the term. If you need to update your choices then please let the office know.

Please click here for further information on Free School Meals, the criteria and how to apply. 

Happy Lunchtimes!


Our Year 5 and 6 pupils help us to make sure we have 'Happy Lunchtimes'.


The Zone There are Several areas of playground each have a 'Zone'. Twice a week an activity will take place, drawn from a wide range of activities designed to appeal to differing ‘styles’ of play. 

Pupils will choose the activities and ensure that the rules are known and respected, teachers will support to supervise the Zone- everyone is welcome in the zone. 

Rules for the Zone

  • Use the equipment in the zone – it can’t be taken out of the zone
  • Everyone can join in  (learners should reply ‘Of course you can’ when asked by another learner if they can join in)


Twice a week Year 5 and 6 pupils also run a Cheerleading Club with music, pom-poms and everyone is welcome!


Every lunchtime you can earn house tokens by following our school values - these add to your house total and a reward!


    If your child requires a special diet, please talk to the school office.  You might be asked to complete a form for Leicestershire Food Services which can be found at Leicestershire Food Services
